Nov 8, 2017 | In Medicine, In Writing
Neil MacLean and I have several things in common. We both come from Pictou County. I grew up in Merigomish and he on Big Island. Although our homes are 15 kilometres apart, we are neighbours by rural standards. We were both born in January, and like him, I chose to...
Oct 31, 2017 | In Writing
“Superstition brings bad luck.” – Raymond Smullyan, from the book 5000 B.C. and other Philosophical Fantasies, 1984 Generally speaking, those of us in the field of medicine are logical, practical individuals. We’re evidence-based thinkers and rational...
Oct 13, 2017 | In Writing
The last few passengers filter in and buckle themselves up before takeoff. The emergency exit row is occupied by an elderly couple and I am seated behind them. The flight attendant asks whether they are comfortable in those seats, given that they’d have to respond in...
Jul 14, 2017 | In Writing
On our first night in Dublin, my mother and I head straight to a pub. We sit at a table across the room from a cheerful woman who looks to be in her eighties. It doesn’t take her long to walk across the room and join us. She grasps her pint of beer and takes a...
May 19, 2017 | In Writing
“Dr. Fraser, the pharmacy is on the phone for you. Line one.” I answer the call, pressing the grey, rectangular button with one hand while writing in a patient’s chart with the other.“Sarah Fraser speaking.”“Oh, hi, Doctor, we just got in a prescription of yours, but...